Balmy and agreeable weather has finally struck New England. After a relentlessly long winter which brought snow to my doorstep at least once a week, I'm ready for Spring's rewards; chief among those being short shorts on willowy yet well proportioned co-eds attempting to enjoy the sun with as much of their skin as possible.
Spring also brings some of the more unique varieties of beer to market. One of my personal favorites is Smuttynose's Maibock. I'm not going to wax connoisseur on this one other than to mention that it's a big malty bruiser. AK and I once ordered some pints of this on Easter Sunday at the brewpub. That was, until, the bartender realized that our conviviality had gone beyond what might be considered appropriate for the celebration of the Lord's resurrection. By some stupid law they were supposed to serve this beer in their dainty, smaller glasses to mitigate intoxication. Realizing the error, she, being the excellent bartender that she was, didn't cut us off, but instead just made sure that our subsequent servings were poured in the smaller glasses. We forgave her and tipped her well, it was Easter after all.