I'm with AK on Blue Moon. Blue Moon proper is a staple. Solid performer, consistent, good balance, generally cheap - it's a go-to beverage you don't need to think too hard about.
But the Blue Moon summer bastard offspring, hereby known as Honey Moon. SIGH. I'm in OMR's camp on this. Just stop. Stop overdoing shit.
Subtlety is long lost on whoever concocted this syrupy sweet libation. As it is on many things these days. Honey Moon cuffs you about the palate with an overreaching and unnecessary sweetness, wholly betraying its heritage. It's not intolerable dumpster runoff like, well, Peak Maple Oat, but it's definitely in the same area code.
Don't reach for this one. Stay the course. If you're driving down Blue Moon Boulevard, do not take this right hand turn into Flavortown. At this point I will stop writing because I have now cracked the lid on any number of Guy Fieri references.