It's a Christmas miracle. A holiday beer that isn't heavy and over-flavored and actually tastes like BEER!
Winter Warmer is fine, but sometimes it's like drinking a spice rack. And Sam Winter, I dunno. Everyone drinks it because it's something different and because it's there. But it's too sweet for my taste.
Gritty's has it nailed. Christmas Ale has absolutely nothing to do with "Christmas flavors". You get a bottle with a picture of Santa Claus getting loaded. Like you're about to.
Propaganda purports this beer to be a darker ESB with a rich, full-bodied, malty taste with a slightly roasted undertone. But I don't know what that really means and it isn't important. It's damn good and you need to buy it now, before some politically correct elitist left-wing liberal takes it away from us. -cp
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